This is Apple’s latest adaptation of the iPod, and it is usually after the iPhone camera and cell function. It also comes with an admixture of the accepted history of the iPhone 8GB, 16GB and 32GB models to accept. Again the ability of using an MP3 player, iPod has hit the rich Internet access via WI-FI connection, a waterproof touch-screen interface, and allows you to games, movies and TV shows in a position to accept the body, such as MP3’s.
The iPod Classic
The different types of iPod, this is very much evident. This is the signature form, that is for the year. The appearance of boiler Plate is where the iPod touch, but for what he does not “wow factor”, is for storage. Up to 120 songs, audiobooks, photos, movies, music and video is stored on his journey more difficult.
The iPod nano
The MP3 is short fan claimed that the reason for a nano. It weighs about one and a half ounces, and is only 1 / 4 inch blubbery and 1 1 / 2 inches wide. This is not to accept the history of the archetypal iPod, but the infant anatomy Agency pushes for it.
The iPod Shuffle The iPod Shuffle is by far a lot of bargains for all options. No plan of a ton or collect a noisy display, but it is a small MP3 amateur, home of the user only
If you have not heard that the new iPod Shuffle is. The guys at Apple accept accustomed the Shuffle a makeover, and it is both acceptable and poor.
The acceptable account is that it is 4GB with history. It is both smaller, only 1.8 inch alpine barometric and 0.7 centimeters wide.
Another new affection is Voice Over, which will know the username of the accepted idea, as well as the time for charging the battery. Voiceover dedication allows the user to perform various playlists as they can be navigated by amateur announce their names.
All buttons accept taken out, and quiet on the headphones. While admission procedure Apple anticipating this trip was to acceptable news, Abou thing tech blogs everywhere accepted his criticism of this devotion as acute bad news.
Dim regKey As RegistryKey regKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE", True) regKey.CreateSubKey("MyApp") regKey.Close()
In the code snippet shown above, I have created a subkey under HKLM\Software called MyApp. Note that I passed True as the second parameter to the OpenSubKey method. This boolean value is to indicate whether the key is writable or not. For instance, you can set it to false if you are just reading data from the registry.
Reading and writing values
Dim regKey As RegistryKey Dim ver As Decimal regKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("Software\MyApp", True) regKey.SetValue("AppName", "MyRegApp") ver = regKey.GetValue("Version", 0.0) If ver <1.1 Then regKey.SetValue("Version", 1.1) End If regKey.Close()
In the code snippet shown above, I am creating two values AppName and Version. I am also setting the values to MyRegApp and 1.1 respectively. Note: If you recollect that in the previous sections I had mentioned about data types for registry values like REG_SZ. But nowhere in the above code we mentioned about the data type. This is because .NET runtime interprets the type itself based on what is passed as value and we do not need to pass it explicitly.
Deleting a Subkey
Dim regKey As RegistryKey regKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("Software", True) regKey.DeleteSubKey("MyApp", True) regKey.Close()
In the code snippet shown above, I am deleting the subkey MyApp and all its values. Note that in the call to DeleteSubkey, I have passed a second Boolean argument of True. This means that an exception is thrown when the key to be deleted is not found
FSQUIRT.EXE Application/Process Description Below is a basic description of FSQUIRT.EXE. This application is safe to have on your computer.
Summary of FSQUIRT.EXE Microsoft BlueTooth File Transfer Wizard
Description of FSQUIRT.EXE Microsoft BlueTooth File Transfer Wizard appeared in the XPSP2 beta and can be accessed from the Start Menu->All Programs->Accessories->Communications->Blue Tooth File Transfer Wizard menu.
Hidden blue tooth software in win. XP and vista Now you don't need 2 install any software for ur blutooth device. you don't know but u already had it in ur window xp nd vista it can b used as:- d run command type 'fsquirt' without quotes '' just select weder u want 2 send or receive any file very easy ......
Windows 7 Release Candidate is at most a couple of months away, with April 2009 as deadline, while the RTM could be reached within half a year, as early as August, but Microsoft is looking beyond the next iteration of the Windows platform. That's right, Windows 8 is already cooking over in Redmond, with the software giant having kicked off the development process of Windows 7's successor even last year, in 2008. Of course, Microsoft will only admit to the fact that it is in the planning stages of Windows 8, and with the Windows 7 work in full swing as the operating system moves from Beta to Release Candidate and onward, planning sounds just about right.
“I have been very involved in an effort around some early planning Win 8. It's been largely focused on establishing a customer tour where we basically go on-site to customers and really drill into their broad cross-Windows server future needs. Not specifically looking at just the Win 8 timeframe, but just post-Win 7 and beyond. We've done that with the hope of getting these engagements and voice of the customer throughout the product lifecycle and driving that early on into the planning process for Win 8,” revealed Soni Meinke, a senior program manager in the Windows Server group.
Remember over a year ago when Microsoft made a $47.5 billion dollar offer to acquire Yahoo!, the second biggest search engine in the United States? Former CEO Jerry Yang rejected the deal which ultimately led up to the company's shareholders forcing Yang to resign. Since the bitter failed attempt, Microsoft... Read on »
Microsoft has offered official confirmation that the Release Candidate of Windows 7 is no more than just two months away. At the same time, the Redmond company also admitted that the gold version of Windows 7 could be made available in as early as half a year. While Steven Sinofsky, senior vice president, Windows and Windows Live Engineering Group, continues to keep a translucent lid pressed tight on all upcoming Windows 7 development milestone deadlines including RC, RTM and GA, Danny Beck, senior enterprise pro...
Often in programming we ned to copy the selected text to the clipoard.
Here is the method how to do this in
Copies the current selection in the text box to the Clipboard.
[Visual Basic] Public Sub Copy()
You can use this method, instead of using the Clipboard class, to copy text in the text box and place it in the Clipboard.
[Visual Basic, C#, C++] The following example uses TextBox, a derived class. It provides Click event handlers for MenuItem objects that perform Cut, Copy, Paste, and Undo operations. This example assumes that a TextBox control named textBox1 has been created.
[Visual Basic] Private Sub Menu_Copy(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) ' Ensure that text is selected in the text box. If textBox1.SelectionLength > 0 Then ' Copy the selected text to the Clipboard. textBox1.Copy() End If End Sub
Private Sub Menu_Cut(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) ' Ensure that text is currently selected in the text box. If textBox1.SelectedText <> "" Then ' Cut the selected text in the control and paste it into the Clipboard. textBox1.Cut() End If End Sub
Everyone expects something different from their browser. Some users are most concerned with security and privacy while others are more focused on customizability. Some want full standards compatibility, and others just desire ease of use. Explore the numerous new features and enhancements in Internet Explorer 8 that allow it to meet every user’s needs. Matt Hester
If your organization has multiple Active Directory forests, you need to manage multiple Active Directory schemas and ensure consistency between schemas. Check out our step-by-step guide to comparing and synchronizing Active Directory schemas in multi-forest environments. John Policelli
Google is clearly the best general-purpose search engine on the Web
But most people don't use it to its best advantage. Do you just plug in a keyword or two and hope for the best? That may be the quickest way to search, but with more than 3 billion pages in Google's index, it's still a struggle to pare results to a manageable number.
But Google is an remarkably powerful tool that can ease and enhance your Internet exploration. Google's search options go beyond simple keywords, the Web, and even its own programmers. Let's look at some of Google's lesser-known options.
Syntax Search Tricks
Using a special syntax is a way to tell Google that you want to restrict your searches to certain elements or characteristics of Web pages. Google has a fairly complete list of its syntax elements at
Here are some advanced operators that can help narrow down your search results.
Intitle: at the beginning of a query word or phrase (intitle:"Three Blind Mice") restricts your search results to just the titles of Web pages.
Intext: does the opposite of intitle:, searching only the body text, ignoring titles, links, and so forth. Intext: is perfect when what you're searching for might commonly appear in URLs. If you're looking for the term HTML, for example, and you don't want to get results such as , you can enter intext:html.
lets see which pages are linking to your Web page or to another page you're interested in. For example, try typing inlink:
Try using site: (which restricts results to top-level domains) with intitle: to find certain types of pages. For example, get scholarly pages about Mark Twain by searching for intitle:"Mark Twain"site:edu. Experiment with mixing various elements; you'll develop several strategies for finding the stuff you want more effectively. The site: command is very helpful as an alternative to the mediocre search engines built into many sites.
Swiss Army Google
Google has a number of services that can help you accomplish tasks you may never have thought to use Google for. For example, the new calculator feature
lets you do both math and a variety of conversions from the search box. For extra fun, try the query "Answer to life the universe and everything."
Let Google help you figure out whether you've got the right spelling—and the right word—for your search. Enter a misspelled word or phrase into the query box (try "thre blund mise") and Google may suggest a proper spelling. This doesn't always succeed; it works best when the word you're searching for can be found in a dictionary. Once you search for a properly spelled word, look at the results page, which repeats your query. (If you're searching for "three blind mice," underneath the search window will appear a statement such as Searched the web for "three blind mice.") You'll discover that you can click on each word in your search phrase and get a definition from a dictionary.
Suppose you want to contact someone and don't have his phone number handy. Google can help you with that, too. Just enter a name, city, and state. (The city is optional, but you must enter a state.) If a phone number matches the listing, you'll see it at the top of the search results along with a map link to the address. If you'd rather restrict your results, use rphonebook: for residential listings or bphonebook: for business listings. If you'd rather use a search form for business phone listings, try Yellow Search
Extended Googling
Google offers several services that give you a head start in focusing your search. Google Groups
indexes literally millions of messages from decades of discussion on Usenet. Google even helps you with your shopping via two tools: Froogle CODE (,
which indexes products from online stores, and Google Catalogs CODE (,
which features products from more 6,000 paper catalogs in a searchable index. And this only scratches the surface. You can get a complete list of Google's tools and services at
You're probably used to using Google in your browser. But have you ever thought of using Google outside your browser?
Google Alert
monitors your search terms and e-mails you information about new additions to Google's Web index. (Google Alert is not affiliated with Google; it uses Google's Web services API to perform its searches.) If you're more interested in news stories than general Web content, check out the beta version of Google News Alerts
This service (which is affiliated with Google) will monitor up to 50 news queries per e-mail address and send you information about news stories that match your query. (Hint: Use the intitle: and source: syntax elements with Google News to limit the number of alerts you get.)
Google on the telephone? Yup. This service is brought to you by the folks at Google Labs
a place for experimental Google ideas and features (which may come and go, so what's there at this writing might not be there when you decide to check it out). With Google Voice Search
you dial the Voice Search phone number, speak your keywords, and then click on the indicated link. Every time you say a new search term, the results page will refresh with your new query (you must have JavaScript enabled for this to work). Remember, this service is still in an experimental phase, so don't expect 100 percent success.
In 2002, Google released the Google API (application programming interface), a way for programmers to access Google's search engine results without violating the Google Terms of Service. A lot of people have created useful (and occasionally not-so-useful but interesting) applications not available from Google itself, such as Google Alert. For many applications, you'll need an API key, which is available free from CODE
See the figures for two more examples, and visit
for more.
Thanks to its many different search properties, Google goes far beyond a regular search engine. Give the tricks in this article a try. You'll be amazed at how many different ways Google can improve your Internetsearching.
Online Extra: More Google Tips
Here are a few more clever ways to tweak your Google searches.
Search Within a Timeframe
Daterange: (start date–end date). You can restrict your searches to pages that were indexed within a certain time period. Daterange: searches by when Google indexed a page, not when the page itself was created. This operator can help you ensure that results will have fresh content (by using recent dates), or you can use it to avoid a topic's current-news blizzard and concentrate only on older results. Daterange: is actually more useful if you go elsewhere to take advantage of it, because daterange: requires Julian dates, not standard Gregorian dates. You can find converters on the Web (such as
but an easier way is to do a Google daterange: search by filling in a form at or
If one special syntax element is good, two must be better, right? Sometimes. Though some operators can't be mixed (you can't use the link: operator with anything else) many can be, quickly narrowing your results to a less overwhelming number.
More Google API Applications offers three tools based on the Google API. The Google API Web Search by Host (GAWSH) lists the Web hosts of the results for a given query
When you click on the triangle next to each host, you get a list of results for that host. The Google API Relation Browsing Outliner (GARBO) is a little more complicated: You enter a URL and choose whether you want pages that related to the URL or linked to the URL
Click on the triangle next to an URL to get a list of pages linked or related to that particular URL. CapeMail is an e-mail search application that allows you to send an e-mail to with the text of your query in the subject line and get the first ten results for that query back. Maybe it's not something you'd do every day, but if your cell phone does e-mail and doesn't do Web browsing, this is a very handy address to know.
Microsoft has unveiled its future Imagination for “2019″ at the Wharton Business Technology Conference, starring stock photo men, women and children playing with the next-generation of communication, collaboration and production technologies. (via Steve Clayton) The video gives a brief glimpse of what Microsoft has imagined will be mainstream technology by 2019. Some of the technologies previewed in the video include intriguing stuff like a "transparent wall" between two classrooms located at distinct locations - across the globe in some cases. Then there were the animated drawings, and of course, surface displays and mini projectors.Envision how emerging technologies, evolving trends, and global change might come together to improve our lives at work and home across multiple real life scenarios.While this might be dismissed by some as a creation of a touchscreen obsessed person, it sure is an interesting watch. It remains to be seen how many of these technologies will actually make be a reality. But yes, its worth having a look at so that you can at least have a good laugh on it in 2019 when some of these might look very lame. Check out the video source: TechSurface
Experience the Power of MATLAB for Technical Computing MATLAB® serves as the foundation for all MathWorks™ products. It includes a programming language and tools for algorithm development, data analysis, data visualization, and numeric computation. Complete this form today to receive an interactive CD loaded with product demos and webinars, plus a technical kit that contains data sheets for MATLAB and Signal Processing Toolbox, the Technical Computing brochure, and the MathWorks Product Overview. This CD includes the most popular MATLAB recorded presentations with Q & A sessions led by MATLAB experts. * Introduction to MATLAB * Data Analysis with MATLAB for Excel® Users * Algorithm Development with MATLAB for C/C++ Products * Introduction to Statistics with MATLAB Products * Introduction to Optimization with MATLAB Products * Application Deployment with MATLAB * MATLAB for Signal Processing * Image Processing Using MATLAB * Data Acquisition with MATLAB Products * Using MATLAB to Develop Financial Products * Introduction to MATLAB for Life Scientists Click here to register for Free CD source: TechSurface
Just because Office 14 won't be fully released until next year doesn't mean consumers will have to wait that long to try out the products. In an interview this week Senior Vice President Chris Capossela said that Microsoft will offer more details on the beta "relatively soon," noting that Office has traditionally made its products available to millions of testers well before the final version ships. "That's been true of the suite," he said. "That will certainly be true of the suite this time and of the Web apps." With Office 14, Microsoft has said it will offer desktop versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote as well as versions that can run online in a browser, be it Internet Explorer, Safari, or Firefox. As previously noted, that means that for the first time Office will also work on both Linux and Apple's iPhone. CEO Steve Ballmer told financial analysts last week that Office 14 would not come out this year. Microsoft has already started testing some of the components that make up the Office 14 wave of products. Capossela wouldn't go into too many specifics about when Office 14 would ship, but said Microsoft hoped not to be too far beyond its typical cycle which sees new versions roughly every three years. Source- CNET
Microsoft has posted documents for IT professionals.These documents include: 1.A What’s New in Windows 7 Guide, covering many new and changed Windows 7 features of interest to IT professionals, including DirectAccess, BranchCache and other networking technologies, VHD boot and other deployment technologies, and AppLocker, Biometrics, and other security technologies, and 2.A Windows 7 Manageability Overview Guide, covering the manageability improvements that can reduce total cost of ownership by helping to increase automation, improve user productivity, and provide flexible administrative control to meet compliance technologies. Download What’s New in Windows 7 Guide Download Windows 7 Manageability Overview Guide
Now some of you may be wondering what the favorite icon is, the below image will clear you what is itProcedure: Step 1. Get yourself a unique image which you want as your favicon, but that image should be of 16x16 pixel size. Step 2. I know most of you have set your mind to skip this tutorial as you have read to create a 16x16 image Step 3.To create your own favicon you can use photoshop or other image editting tool. But I know it is really painfull to create a icon in photoshop but I've got a solution for you. Read this tutorial on how you can create your own favicon.So for those who already have an image, we have to resize it to 16x16 as i said before.You can use the online favicon generators like Dynamic Drive or Favicon Step 4. Now once you have downloaded your favicon, you have to upload it on any image hosting website. Read more here...
You can also extend the Windows 7 trial mode to 120 days, without requiring a key. The basic way this works is that at the end of the 30 days, you'll need to run a small command and reboot your computer, at which point you'll have 30 more days, up to a maximum of 120 days. You can extend Windows 7 trial period by a command prompt command: "slmgr –rearm".
With use of this command you can “rearm” trial period counter to start count again from 0 to 30 days - for up to 3 times. With this method you will extend activation time on Windows 7 to max 120 days. Here are the detailed steps: 1.Command Prompt in the start menu 2.Right-click on it and choose Run as administrator. 3.Type next command and press ENTER: slmgr –rearm 4.Reboot computerYou can perform this trick after the 30-day trial expires 3 times.
After that period you have to reinstall the OS if you want it to work with full Functionalities.