IE8 RTW Will Not Install on Windows 7 Pre-Beta
IE8 RTW Will Not Install on Windows 7 Pre-Beta
The final version of Internet Explorer 8 will not install on the pre-Beta version of Windows, according to Microsoft. Just as it is the case with Windows Vista and Internet Explorer 7, Windows 7 will come with Internet Explorer 8 as a default component. However, users of Windows 7 pre-beta will only be able to use the IE8 bits that come by default with the testing milestone, and not integrate the standalone variants of the next iteration of IE.
“You will only be able to use the included build of IE8 in the Win 7 pre-beta bits,” revealed an Accessibility PM for IE, during the November 13, 2008 Windows Internet Explorer 8 Expert Zone Chat. The question was whether or not users running Windows 7 pre-beta bits would be able to install IE8 RTW (released to manufacturing) on the third development milestone of the operating system. [ more >> ]
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