MS Office - Create a Pie/Bar Chart
Follow these steps to create a chart, such as a bar chart or a pie chart.
- On the Insert menu, click Object, and then click the Create New tab.
- In the Object type box, click Microsoft Graph Chart, and then click OK.
Microsoft Graph displays a chart and its associated sample data in a table called a datasheet.
- To replace the sample data, click a cell (cell: A box formed by the intersection of a row and column in a worksheet or a table, in which you enter information.) on the datasheet, and then type the new text or numbers. If needed, you can import data from a text file, a Lotus 1-2-3 file, or a Microsoft Excel worksheet. You can also copy data from another program.
- To return to Microsoft Word, click the Word document.
Note If you close the datasheet you can reopen it by double-clicking the chart and then clicking Datasheet on the View menu.
- Create a table in Word, with text labels in the top row and left column, and numbers in other cells.
How ?
Microsoft Word offers a number of ways to make a table (table: One or more rows of cells commonly used to display numbers and other items for quick reference and analysis. Items in a table are organized into rows and columns.). The best way depends on how you like to work, and on how simple or complex the table needs to be.
- Click where you want to create a table.
- Click Insert Table
on the Standard toolbar (toolbar: A bar with buttons and options that you use to carry out commands. To display a toolbar, press ALT and then SHIFT+F10.).
- Drag to select the number of rows and columns you want.
- Click in the table.
- On the Table menu, point to Select, and then click Table.
- On the Insert menu, click Object, and then click the Create New tab.
- In the Object type box, double-click Microsoft Graph Chart.
Word displays a chart with the information from the table you created. The data associated with the chart is in a table called a datasheet.
You can edit the data in the chart by clicking a cell on the datasheet and revising the entry.
- To return to Word, click the Word document.
Use these steps to change the chart to another chart type, such as a pie chart or a bar chart.
- On the Chart menu, click Chart Type.
- Choose a chart type from the options on the Standard Types and Custom Types tabs.
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