Windows 7 removing Registry Key Effects specific 2 Win7

Removing shortcut icon arrow is one of the easiest and most needed hack for a starter geek for Windows.

Removing it via registry is a simple trik..goto lnkfile-->del isshortcut key.

this thing was ok till Win Vista. but if you delete this key in Windows 7 .... there may be occasional error where user cannot drag and drop an application program to Windows Taskbar (Superbar) and Start Menu anymore, with the icon shows a red cross when user attempts to place it on Taskbar or Start Menu. When right click on a program icon or shortcut, the “Pin to Taskbar” and “Pin to Start Menu” context menu is missing and not showing too.

You may also find an error that no Jump List been popped up when right clicking on icons in Taskbar.

Infact you may also find an error

i tried to figure out a lot about the solution.infact i even reinstalled os..(tx 2 win7 it took hardly half hour 2 get evrthng back 2 normal)....and 2day i found that the same problem has rose again...

and then after some r n d i found the cause of the problem.

So following are the effects of deleting Regsitry key "isshortcut" in windows 7.

if u wana restore 2 all normal...simple add the isshortcut(new string) in the .lnk file...this will get back all things 2 work...

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


or paste the abve code in bold in a text file and save it as .reg and then execute that.

n 4 tech guyz still u wana remove the thingy??

use the following code...

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Icons]

this will fade the shortcut arrow and make it transparent.this way also works out.

Well ques can it a bug or a feature in Windows 7...being it specific 2 only windows 7...???


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